Category Landing pages
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Added On 21.01.2014
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Lando - Responsive Landing Page

Bootstrap template Lando - Responsive Landing Page
A modern and responsive landing page to show off your latest product or service. Lando is responsive. You don’t have to worry about desktops, tablets or mobile devices; it looks great regardless of the platform. Lando is designed for the real world. Easily embed a promotional video or screenshots if so desired. Impress visitors with an eye-catching features area and beautiful, clear cut pricing tables. You can hit the ground running. Included are three different layouts, each with four color schemes (plus a style guide for good measure). Coupled with a highly customizable structure, its easy to tweak Lando to your exact needs. Lando comes with with goodies. The amazing Font Awesome includes 220 iconic icons. FitVids, a lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds. jQuery from Google’s CDN (with local backup just in case). Plus great typography served from Google Fonts. app, blue, business, clean, landing page, minimal, product, red, responsive, service
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